Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Advice for a wannabe investment banker who is in first year of an undergraduate business school?

I really want to be an investment banker (corporate finance).

I just completed my first year of business school.

Do you have some advice about what I can do RIGHT NOW to help move me towards my goals?

I will be living in New York.Advice for a wannabe investment banker who is in first year of an undergraduate business school?
I work for a financial services firm, and often participate in recruiting college grads. Just a few tips:

-- GPA is very important -- start off on the right foot, and keep up the good grades. Most firms will only want to interview you for full time jobs if you've got a 3.7 or better.

-- School activities are important as well, particularly leadership opportunities, teamwork-oriented activities (like sports), or related activities (like an investments club). Go for quality, not quantity. Better to have a leadership position that makes a meaningful contribution in one club, than to be a general member of 5 clubs.

-- It's helpful to get an internship experience in the financial field. Most firms won't hire interns until the summer between your junior and senior years. But often smaller firms will take you as a sophomore. Doesn't matter much about which firm -- just get the experience so that you can talk about what you learned, what you liked, what you contributed, etc. And many firms will make you a full time offer based on the summer internship. Remember, you usually apply in January of your junior year, so keep on the deadlines.

-- Work your alumni connections -- if your school's career center has an alumni database, search for people at financial services firm and email them for advice and contacts.

Good luck!

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