Wednesday, November 23, 2011

I am trying to start a wiccan business in arkansas i am seeking any advice and help ?

i am trying to start a wiccan business here in arkansas. i live in a bible belt i want to ease into the magical part and yet keep open to other religions can anyone help me with vendors and about how much it cost?


jessicaI am trying to start a wiccan business in arkansas i am seeking any advice and help ?
Tarot decks can be bought wholesale from You can put out a call for witchy things on any pagan bulletin board, there are artists and crafters there. If you want to soften the impact, you can include a Renaissance/Medieval focus on the shop as well, the SCA is down in the bible belt and you can find local groups to discuss what would be of interest to carry. out in California does this, 1/2 medieval and 1/2 wiccan/pagan. They have two stores now.

Herbs, books, candles, tarot, pouches, etc. Take a look at the items that New Age stores carry, that'll give you an idea what's of interest. Don't go too Goth or Faerie, those are both sidelines and not part of the main thing you're looking for.

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