Sunday, August 22, 2010

Advice please? A business fraudulently charged me on my bank debit to handle?

I purchased 2 items from a local business and my bank shows 4 extra charges and my bank account has been overdrawn now...obviously I need to go to the bank but how to handle the business? Any advice?Advice please? A business fraudulently charged me on my bank debit to handle?
You definitely want to report this to your bank. However, your bank is going to tell you that you have to resolve this with the merchant. Be sure to take your receipts and ask the business to provide you with signed copies of their receipts to prove you actually made these extra charges.

If the merchant doesn't cooperate, then you can file a complaint with the police. Get all copies of your reports for the bank.Advice please? A business fraudulently charged me on my bank debit to handle?
Go to your bank today and have your card hot carded or hot listed. This prevents the merchant from charging your card again.

Disputes the additional charges. You may have to wait tell it hard post, depending on the bank policy. Have your bank note your account, some items may be under dispute.
Dispute the charge with the bank , they should take it from there...
just do it , this is their business and they will handle , just explain as best you can , good luck. Let them fix the item in question.
When this happened to me I contacted my bank and the charges did not go through. I check my account daily,(use online banking) because I use my card daily. And I know that if I dispute the error early that the bank will take care of it for me.I LOVE ONLINE BANKING
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