Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Im 13, and want to start my own business to get some money . Any ideas / advice ?

im 13 and know that when im older i want to run a business. im not quite sure what business, but im sure i'll know soon. at the moment, im not getting pocket money and dont have a paper round, so am pretty skint and in desperate need of money.

does anyone have any ideas of what I could do and how ?

all ideas greatly appreciated xxxIm 13, and want to start my own business to get some money . Any ideas / advice ?
Tidy Gardens !

Clean cars !

Dog walk !

All these things could raise money for you, good luck hope everything goes to plan !!!Im 13, and want to start my own business to get some money . Any ideas / advice ?
The stuff I did here is all free to get started and took me a long time to research.

So over the past couple a years, I ended up running up a ton of debt (partying, girls, clothes, ya know) and didn't have a good job to pay this off. On top of that, I had my rent and car payment to worry about. I was working at Foot Locker making like $10 bucks an hour, so I needed to find a way to get some money.

I started to do some research and found out that a ton of government money is given to 'minorities' each year. The money can be pretty much used for whatever you want as long as you fill out all the info they need (your name and address, what you want to use the money for, any school you been to (i only finished high school)). I told them I wanted to start my own clothing line and needed to pay off my debts first and that was it. After a few weeks I got approved for a government scholarship. You can sign up to the program through this page - http://www.barbiefood.com/government-gra鈥?/a>
mow lawns in the summer, shovel snow in the winter. print off some simple fliers to post in your neighboorhood and hopefully people will call. Find the older residents because they are always the ones needing help with sometimes even the smallest things.
if you're interested, you can do surveys online for extra money, I know a good site thats free to join and for age 13 and up

check my blog for info and Proof of Payments
For a bussiness what I did a few years back was make my own cat niop toys and walk door to doo rselling them

i made a lot of money mostly because I was an adorable little girl but yea

people are crazy about their pets
Have you tried selling stuff you don't need on ebay or asking your parents to do a car boot sale. Or you could try and get a paper round?
what about making and selling jewellery or other craft work

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